Friday, July 25, 2008


That is how I feel right now. Stressed and worried and aggravated! We found out while we were in Atlanta that my dad has prostate cancer. And if you know me, you know that I am a daddy's girl through and through. So I am very worried about him! But they caught it very soon and the doctor is very positive! So that is a good thing. He has opted to have surgery which will be in September. On the day that Josh and I are supposed to be in Birmingham for 3 days! So now Josh will be going without me. He has to go for a class but I was going along for the ride. We were going to drive to Atlanta the last day and hit IKEA for some furniture that we wanted. But now I will send Josh with a detailed list! There is no way that I will go and not be here for Daddy's surgery! I am aggravated because I have sooo much to do and I am TIRED! Aric and I had breakfast this morning and then met up with my parents to do some shopping. My dad has to keep busy right now to keep his mind off of everything. And being around Aric will keep anyone busy! So please keep my dad in your prayers! It would mean alot to us!
Have I mentioned that I have a new Ebay obsession?? Well I do! Probably not a good thing! LOL!
Well I am off to put away groceries and things that I bought. Especially the things I do not want Josh to know about! LOL!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your dad. From what I remember he's a tough old guy...scary...but tough

I hope everything works out ok in the end